About us
Introducing ourselves
2direct Ltd. is an international operating company with its main office in Europe. Established 2001 in Lüdenscheid, we are already represented in 12 european coremarkets. The mainpoints of our business are divided into three separate departments (profit center); Marketing, Management und Merchandising. We offer competence with ower own brands and individual solutions as also a steady demand on IT articles and stocklots. If you like to know more about our company philosophy please have a look in our imprint. Our product portfolio covers may articles around the IT and electronic market. Feel free to visit us in our headquarter in Lüdenscheid either to discuss a successfull strategy or to inform yourself about free jobs within the company. We are also interested in partnerships and joint ventures. If you are not a customer yet inform yourself about our terms of trade and find the direct contact person for your state, language and market. Please also note, that 2direct is a registerd trademark and that you also need a permission to use the contents, pictures, datasheets or logos that are present on this website. Please inform us about mistakes on our internet page or feel free to give us suggestions for improvement.
A good idea is no guarantee for success, if strategy and disposition are astray. We'll help you in the DTP branch from the very first steps starting with your concept and beyond which includes setting up your catalog, a presentation, homepage or webshop, longterm success satisfaction. In product marketing we will survey your ideas, overwork them completely or just those areas in which you wish to have assistance regarding development, a before standing certification or other forms of marketing. As further, our marketing service will inform you continously about changes or differences concerning the stability of the branch in which you are currently listed regarding competitive strategies.
A company can only be successful, nowadays, with a large demand of competence and the know how as also the correct and precise contacts. We are specialized in supporting you in establishing your company or for your newly established company we would support you in setting up proper handling in finances, controlling or in your management department as a external business support service. As an alternative we can offer you a service in completing necessary negotiations concerning company liquidations, bankruptcy or overtakings with continual support supervision.
With a Customer Data Base of more than 14.000 retailer wholesalers, producers, manufacturers and value added resellers. 2direct Ltd. has one of the most well structured palett of innovative product solutions in the on market concerning customers in europe. We'll help you in receiving and importing with our contacts, functioning in handling, shipping, and transportation, finding the right strategy for you and your customers and if wished we will function as your personal aftersales support service.
Our Connection to the Far East
Our asian connections, most of all China, is not just our mainpoint but also a definite plus concerning our products from our manufacturers which have a high value in a todays market. The on our side standing contacts have been known for a long time which has also given us now the chance to keep our foot in the door with the new asien market.
Transport and Infrastructure
Purchasing and shipments are a part of our central logistic center in germany, contiunally in development with other sub contractors to secure proper and correct transportations of all orders. If either container or sample offers; we can fullfill all these demands within 24 hours, if necessary.
Customer Satisfaction used as a Ladder to Success
The ladder to success is customer satisfaction which is written by 2direct Ltd. with capital letters. Without satisfied customers 2direct Ltd. would not be as successful as it is. Found weakspots will be immediately analysed and removed. Customer information and suggestions build a confidential reliabity to form a better marketing strategy regarding the corporate identity. Going into our customers wishes is an everyday situation which can only strengthen our identification degrees with our Company and herewith also concerning further customer services and connections.
Quality - Overwhelming Amount of the Companys Success
Contactability, attractive prices, high availability of products, in time shipments, quick guarantee handling, a professional reclamationservice if needed. These varieties of demands to our customers can and will be given through 2direct Ltd. The effectiveness and efficiency in further development concerning the business processes and possible future certifications will be of major importance.